Sexy Bikini cover-ups!Sun protection.
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DQdq is a Registered Trademark.USPTO Trademark Number is 86649815. We do not authorized any third parties to sell our products. You have no rights to sell any DQdq products on Amazon, our attorney will file the lawsuit, in conjunction with an official complaint to Amazon copyright department on any Unauthorized sells.
Material:Polyester.Indistinct and transparent;Short sleeves.
Black stripe:Length 29.55”(front),35.46”(back);Bust 69.34”;Sleeve 18.12”.
Green stripe:Length 29.55”(front),33.1”(back);Bust 66.98”;Sleeve 17.34”.
Pink stripe:Length 29.55”(front),33.1”(back);Bust 66.98”;Sleeve 17.34”.
Content: 1 cover-ups only.
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